Blog Prompt #6
It was in 2013 that former Pro-Bowl quarterback Donovan McNabb said on Fox Sports that six-time NASCAR Sprint Cup Champion Jimmie Johnson was no athlete, but rather someone who just “sits in a car and drives,” echoing every hot take you have ever heard in the “is motor racing a sport?” debate while sitting at the bar with your friends. Are McNabb and the anti-motor racing considered a sports crowd factually correct in this? Absolutely not. First, we must examine what the experts constitute as what makes a sport. Those who get paid to have the conversations most of us are paying to have. Dan Lebowitz, executive director of the Center for the Study of Sport in Society in Boston, believes “Sport is a competitive endeavor that involves athleticism in which the goal is to win.” (Walters, 2016) The Council of Europe charter on sport uses the following definition: "Sport means all forms of physical activity, which through casual or organized participation, aim at expressing ...